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Coffee and Exercise

    I love my morning cup of joe. I find comfort in my cup of coffee and it helps to get me energized for the day ahead. Coffee is a stimulant, in that it increases our heart rate and stimulates our central nervous system, which is why it is great when you roll out of bed! But can it help us get through our workouts?  According to research from the American College of Sports Medicine, caffeine can have a performance enhancing effect on endurance exercise lasting more than 20 minutes such as swimming, running, and cycling. The stimulatory effects of caffeine usually peak between 30 and 75 minutes after ingestion. I personally enjoy a cup of coffee ~1 hour...

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Eco-friendly Home: A Start

We have been trying to make our home a little more eco-friendly and I challenge you to do the same in honour of National Green Peace day! I thought I’d share a few simple things we’ve tried. We are big fans of using natural cleaning products, such as Method all-purpose cleaners. Not only do these products work naturally to disinfect, leave your surfaces sparkling clean, but they also smell amazing! And as an added bonus, Method uses recycled materials for their packaging. I love the Pink Grapefruit all-purpose cleaner; I swear it smells so good I could drink it! With the stress of the current COVID19 pandemic, I can breathe easier (literally - by not breathing in chemicals) and fight germs...

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Cycling Head to Toe

   Running had always been my go-to form of exercise, until about 3 years ago when I bought my first road bike. Cycling has similar benefits as running does for me: it’s a stress buster, an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, a way to enjoy the outdoors and I love that I can do it from my own front door. After the positive feedback from my Running Head to Toe Blog, I decided to do a Cycling Head to Toe write up! So after you have got your biked properly sized for you, try these suggestions on your next ride: Head and neck: aim to keep your chin tucked and avoid hyperextending your cervical spine (but keep your gaze on the...

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Water, water, water!

We all know we should drink water throughout the day. Water is essential for our body’s functions. It helps with transporting nutrients, lubricating joints, removing toxins, keeping our skin hydrated, and managing our weight, to name a few. But how much should we drink? The answer is a little more complex, it depends on your age and gender, whether you exercise, if you are taking certain medications, if you live in a hot environment. If you want to know your exact daily intake, I would suggest seeing a Registered Dietician for an individualized recommendation.   A good rule of thumb to start with is drinking 8 cups per day. For those participating in endurance exercise, increasing your water intake before, during...

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Stretching Myths and Truths

There was a time when gym teachers, coaches, and fitness trainers told us that we must stretch before we exercise to prevent injury; however, times have changed. There is no research that indicates that static stretching before exercising prevents injury. So why and when should we stretch? Stretching feels so good (if done within tolerance) and there is a lot of benefit to stretching, so I am not saying it shouldn’t be a part of your health and fitness routine. Stretching helps with relaxation, circulation and it improves the range of motion (ROM) of our joints when it is done consistently. When we have better ROM of our joints, we move more efficiently; however, if you have too much flexibility...

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